Women in leadership COVID-19 pandemic responses –Hygiene kits (Sanitizers, masks) and dry ration packs provided to quarantined media people in Valaichenai Oddamvadi.
As per the request circulated by the District secretariat CIRCLE-young feminist team was the first team to support the quarantined media people. The reporters, as well as the media people, have been quarantined unexpectedly and lost their income during that time.
The CIRCLE-young feminist team quickly took a decision and came forward to support them during that uncertain time of the collaboration with the District secretariat Batticaloa.
The distribution took place at the District Secretariat, Government agent, State media coordinator; and other media people took part in the event.
15packs of Dry ration amounted 1500rs each, 15 packs of one-day disposable masks, and 15 cans ( 1l each) distributed o the persons.