“Gender equality in and through sports ” CIRCLE’s VAW day event on 25 th of November 2023

CIRCLE has marked the VAW day event on 25th of November 2023 at Koralaipattu DS division with Marginalized Women headed households from Muslim and Tamil community and with women Youth Kabaddi teams of Koralaipattu and Eravurpattu DS divisions in order to create awareness on end the violence against women and girls and to promote one of the indigenous sports Women Kabaddi which is currently abandoning in the country .

The secondary objective of the event is to strengthen the youth clubs and let boys and girls  involve in the process of eliminate the violence against women and children and make them realize the importance of this and responsibility over it as a future leaders of the country 

Women Kabadi teams happily took part of the event and requested CIRCLE to provide continues support to strengthen the women Kabadi teams in Batticaloa, challenges also were discussed in the platform. Awarding ceremony was conducted by CIRCLE to encourage the women teams. 200 community members participated as audience ,this includes women ,men, youths and children



பெண்களுக்கெதிரான வன்முறையை தகர்த்தெறியும் சர்வதேச தினத்தை முன்னிட்டு அறைகூவல்

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