A business plan training for 50 women headed households

A business plan training being conducted for 50 women headed households who are marked them as emerging entreprenures of Koralaipattucentral,Eravurpattu and Manmunaiwest DS divisions.Training conducted as a roll out session by the beneficiaires who have already received the training from CIRCLE in 2022.The overall objective of the training is to support the emerging women entreprenuers to do their business in a systamatic way with record keeping ,financial forecast and followup.At the end of the training the participants developed businessplan for their each entreprises. The 03 days training conducted on 23rd,24th and 25th of August 2023 with how to do the SWOT analysis of the business enviornment .

Feed back of the benificiaries after the training

Quote from Geetha  (EP)We would like to thank all the staff and resource person who have been here to do the business plan training. thank you for the support for the marginalized abandoned women like us, the training on how to do a business plan and the business in a systematic way has been going from 8.30am to 4.30pm.We haven’t have the knowledge of planning the business in a systematic way, from today onwards we will forecast and calculate the budget and necessary expenses for each production and will carry out the business in a systematic way. And through this I want to provide job opportunity for 2 or 3 marginalized women like me”

Quote :From Rifaya (KPC) “It was a great pleasure to meet Chandramathy as a resource person for this business plan training, this gives us hope we also can work hard and progress in our business like her ”

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