50 Women headed households received livelihood assistance from CIRCLE

50 Most vulnerable women headed households of Eravurpattu ,Manmunaiwest,Koralaipattucentral DS divsions received livelihood assisatnce from CIRCLE to expand or start the following IG activities,each beneficiary received 45,000lkr

  • Poultry raring
  • Goat raring
  • Small catering shop, Sarbath” drink shop
  • Grocery shop/Petty shop
  • Tailoring
  • Virgin coconut oil producing
  • Dry fish producing
  • Roasted rice flour production
  • Chili and other spices powder production
  • House utilities resell

MOUs are signed with the identified right holders (Beneficiaries) witnessing by the responsible Grama Niladhari.

Relevant GNs of all the Divisions, Additional director of planning, Women development officers, other relevant stake holders, community leaders NGO Coordinator from NGO secretariat also took part of the event.

Feed back of Gramma Niladhari Birathuraichenai: “After 22 years that a NGO is providing such an assistance to our WHH in our villsge ,I’m thanking CIRCLE and requesting CIRCLE to provide support continuesly to the people who are in need .Otherhand I’m requesting all the beneficiaires to get the maximum benifit from the support provided by CIRCLE .

Newslink of the event


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